Fashion AI

We welcome new possibilities every day in our lives. AI came into our lives as one of these possibilities offering us new hopes and opportunities in life. There is no doubt that AI causes hope, curiosity and excitement at the same time. London Fashion Week has given an official start to AI Fashion by hosting new experiments on AI and design, presenting an eye-opening show to their followers. Despite that, there are still many different approaches to how it will affect our lives and sectors, there are many questions about the applications of this wide-ranged tool. While AI’s creative assistance has benefited many different sectors, we ask, who is AI fashion for?

London Fashion Week has given start to AI Fashion

On February 16-20th 2024, London Fashion Week celebrated its 40th anniversary by presenting newly AI-generated garments. Fashion industry leaders have expressed their interest and hope in the usage of this technology. There were many designs showcased which made of different approaches to the design technologies. From mixed-reality pieces to 3-D printed art and of course, AI-made apparel were the biggest highlights of the London Fashion Week, bringing the innovative side of London and fashion. Big names in the designing world such as Taskin Goec who is a Berlin-based mixed reality designer and atelier and KWK (Kay Kwok) have presented their pieces. Furthermore, to present in the London Fashion Week, Taskin Goec trained a special model of AI, which was formed by his previous designs and arts. With this, he brought together a mixed collection where his previous manual work was embedded with new AI designs. His AI model produced the rich texture of the final clothing, which was then manually enhanced using pleating, fraying, and printing procedures. With these procedures, Taskin’s works formidably kept the textures and colours, highlighted with a rich look that’s been amplified by the power of AI.

AI Fashion Week

The future of fashion is in the hands of AI, according to AI Fashion Week organizers. Held for the first time in New York, AI Fashion Week (AIFW) is something to look forward to. From colourful bold designs from all over the world to design contests with a powerful jury, AI Fashion Week is hosting designers who are ahead of the AI game so far. AI could bring variety, diversity and uniqueness to the table while shortening the amount of time spent in the production journey.

Who is AI Fashion for?

AI Design is for everyone who is looking for a fresh breath but at the same time, it is not only for designers. With all the features it brings AI brings a new look to every aspect of clothing and design from marketing, social media, design and understanding the audience. For example, big companies such as Stradivarius, which is a young brand from the textile leader Inditex have already started to use AI-generated models to promote their new apparel. Co-Founder of Stradivarius even states “… We had to create a personality and a life for them to work. Even if they don’t exist, they may have things in common with you.”. Like that AI still opens the gates to empathy and helps brands to take control of their storytelling on their design.

Recreation of Design with the magic wand, AI

If we focus more on the design side, Desigual, a Spanish company has proposed to use AI-generated tools to introduce their first “on-demand” collection. By that, the company will be able to be one of the first brands in this cost level which is able to offer on-demand clothing to their customers. While this feels like a luxury for so many, it also feels much more sustainable to produce on demand! Feels like everyone has a 3D printer at home!

Refabric is offering this experience on many kinds of levels, bringing fresh designs to homes, podiums and studios. By that, high fashion becomes much more approachable to many people, creating inspiration for some and helping designers to get out of the feeling of repetition. These AI tools are a great way to experiment with style and looks and hopefully, they will support, inspire and transform your imagination.

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