
With new technologies and the internet, consumers seek further customization in fashion. As the competition among different brands grows with the globalized-than-ever economy, AI can give some answers on how to speak to your people on design. The synthesis of audience and technology allows for continued customization which is the backbone of our modern economy. Highly specialized individual fashion as a reflection of the desire for individuals to express themselves, drives fashion today: uniqueness is prized!

Finding your tribe, and your followers has never been easy. Creating a line of different designs that talk to each other as much as talk to their audience is very hard. Not to mention that clothing is not only an art piece but also a need daily that needs to be maintained and agile.

Personalized garments are the leading power in fashion

Personalized styling knocks on the door of innovation in fashion. Rather than having thousands of options on fast fashion that don’t fit completely, creating customized, personalized looks might be the answer for the consumer’s wardrobe. AI is a highly helpful resource on this, where you can create by analyzing the data and work with numbers that will guide you on the ideal design.

According to Forbes, 75% of modern retail customers desire that brands comprehend what they seek with their style. They seek personalized touches on the garments that will help them to express themselves in another level of their fashion. Many tech solutions have started to emerge that use AI to create personalized style profiles that bring datasets together to customize design. Types of styles, location, height and related information help algorithms to give related recommendations to individuals that will speak to their tastes and looks.

Personalized results help to engage more with the clothing in e-commerce.

In addition to that, in the e-commerce era, personalized answers to retail adventures are highly sought after. AI is revolutionizing the world of purchasing, where the customers can find the needs of their curiosities. AI will help us to understand individual customer behavior, backed up by science, data and categorization. It is even possible to combine human intuition with AI’s strong creativity, to collaborate with the unique community of the brands, to lead a customized shopping experience.

Leading online retailer Amazon leverages AI to suggest products to users, assisting them in finding new products that suit their preferences and needs. Customers are more likely to buy products that are personalized to their preferences, which raises customer happiness and sales. B2B style company, Styleriser is another example of how AI is used for personalization. Styleriser uses AI to create custom images to consult and assist individuals to shop mindfully as it recommends the best colors that are ideal for different skin tones.

As many more fashion brands are increasingly starting to use AI as an assistant in their customization process, research on Twilio emphasizes the importance of personalization. For that AI is a great tool to reach existing customers as well as gain new interests. Therefore, 60% of business leaders claim that personalization is an effective way to pull new audiences to the brand. On this note, we ask: What could be a better way than using AI to understand the special needs and desires of your communities?

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